Wednesday, August 20, 2014

East Coast Magic.

A few weeks ago we got to visit my family out east and it was the best trip EVER! We started out in Boston keeping things slow and cozy. Then skipped on to NYC where things got a whole lot busier. We ended our trip venturing down to Washington D.C. where things slowed back down and we got to end the trip with so many loved ones. 


New York City

Washington D.C.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Half Marathon...Check

So my dearest darling gal pal Jamie convinced me to do a half marathon with her and it was right in the middle of this part of my summer where I was super motivated, running everyday and eating all healthy-like and such. But, then I decided to go vacation which of course destroyed all healthiness in my life. And then I went to my family reunion where I obviously ate enough food for four thousand people. Then I got sick and had to miss work for two days and then all of the sudden…my half marathon was THE NEXT DAY! I about had a panic attack. But, I decided to go for it anyway mostly because Jamie is a very convincing human. So we ran it (in our spirit tees of course) and it was actually WAY fun! I was so surprised! I mean Jamie and I were not the most competitive of runners, but we definitely enjoyed ourselves! Dancing along the way, enjoying the nice views, and of course running till we thought our legs would fall off. But, all in all, it was totally worth it. The second you cross that finish line you feel like a freaking champion! And we got a metal so…obviously it was worth it. So, if you’re thinking about it, do it. Check that bad boy off your bucket list. It’s worth it.


  • Eat a bowl of oatmeal and drink a full glass of water before you head to the starting point.
  • Buy running socks. They seem unnecessary, but trust me it’s worth it. They make it so your feet are completely blister free.
  • Buy Body Glide and rub it on your feet and between your toes. It also avoids the killer feet blisters.
  • Make sure your playlist is money and your phone is fully charged. Jams totally help.
  • Make sure you have two goos. The chews are way better than the liquid kind, but follow your heart. Take one right before you start and in the middle.
  • Drink water at every water station whether you think you need it or not. The goos dehydrate you so you need to make sure you’re drinking.
  • After your run stretch your brains out.
  • The next three days don’t sit too much. Go on walks and keep using your muscles. It will help you not get too sore.
  • Also after you run…eat whatever the heck you want my friends. You just burned a whole days worth of calories, you earned it.