Friday, June 15, 2012

And it begins...

I’ve been meaning to start a blog now for a reeal long time, I just never found the time. But, this last month a whole lot of love pushed me in the right direction. One of my best friends Emma got married to her giant and lovely boy Patrick. My glorious sister Katherine got hitched to her hilarious and unreal man, Nickybear. And my best friend in the whole universe, little Rachel, just got engaged to her crazy mann Jason, who just so happens to also be my cousin. Fantasyland.

Witnessing so many miracles of love was obviously brilliant and enchanting, but a slight sadness tagged along with it. All this love surrounds me now, but very soon it won’t be so close. Everyone’s lives are leading them in their own directions and these moments we all get to share with the ones we love are sadly fleeting. I decided that these moments can’t just be faded memories. They must be properly remembered as the vibrant experiences they were and never be forgotten. I am going to make sure of it. But these moments aren’t the only thing I want to blog for. From here on out, this is my connection point. Everyone far and near that I love dearly, will never have to feel disconnected. This is my love hub. So PLEASE join in my celebration of life, happiness and a lot of crazy!

Here are my lovelys that brought me to my new realization…

My hot sister Kath

Lovely little Ray

Sweet little Emma boo